My blog
This blog is a place for me to record and reflect on my inspirations, journeys and practice.
I’ve included some of my blog posts from my previous website in the archive.
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Considering value judgements in identifying beauty?
Over the last few days I’ve been thinking about the value judgements that are intrinsic within an artistic practice. It’s hard to not add a value to a new work, there is something encoded in our minds that helps to make a decision about what we see in front of us.
The many needs for sanctuary
The need for space and time out has become a critical point of my day-to-day life, it creates something that helps me process, ponder, peregrinate (this is a new word to me, and I’ll admit that I love it), pass time; and prepare to tackle things. I introduce some of the places I seek out.
Thinking about the next iteration
I’m thinking about the next development of my practice, looking at recent and older work, trying to find a thread that will help me discover something new yet connected. Time for some experimentation in the landscape.
Abstraction. To be drawn away?
In the last few days, I’ve started discussions with artists using abstraction. There are already many different interpretations of what abstraction is, be that in the process of making, thinking, or connecting inputs to create work that stops short of telling you what it is.
Call for artists working in abstraction
As part of the last year of my MFA at NTU I’m undertaking a research project, focussing on how contemporary artists working in abstraction define, develop and articulate their practice.
Remembering someone special
There has been a quiet period for me creatively, with the death of my mother-in-law requiring a step back, to spend some time considering life, people, and memory. It's hard when these things happen and you're left with a hole that takes time to heal, it's not something that can be simply left behind, it’s a process with no end.
Excited to be featured on the NTU “We are creatives” website
I’m excited to be part of the Masters Showcase on the NTU We are Creatives website - it’s a great platform to shout about both my own practice but also about those across the Masters programmes.
A little bit about my studio
I thought it would be nice to share a little bit about where I spend my time researching, thinking and making. I’m really lucky to have found a little studio on a farm about fifteen minutes outside of Nottingham. If gives me space away from the urban world and allows me to create work in a calm rural environment.
NTU MFA Practicing Uncertainty Group Show - July 2021
Preparing for the NTU MFA group show - Practicing Uncertainty, bringing together all my colleagues in the first public event since 2020.
Testing the limits of abstraction
The Abstracted 35 series has provided a unique opportunity to test the limits of abstraction, to see how much detail can be removed from an image and still create interest and conversations about what the images represent
A welcome return to showing work in real life
This last year has been challenging in how I engage audiences through my work, particularly as the work I create often needs to be seen physically to get really close to the marks and details. I’m excited to be showing as part of my MFA at NTU
Welcome to my new website
Hello, thanks for visiting my new website, I hope that you find something that intrigues you. My aspiration is that there is something for everyone to engage with depending on their own interests, be that in photographs, alchemical reactions or more abstract imagery.
Immaterial at the Iittala & Arabia Design Centre, Helsinki
I reflect on my inspiring trip to Helsinki where I had chance to experience Immaterial at the Iittala & Arabia Design Centre.
Helsinki bound - reflections on my trip in February 2018
In February 2018, I was fast approaching the big Four Oh! In planning a trip to Delhi, I got the chance to visit Helsinki for a short stop on the way. This post includes some of my reflections
My struggle with painting
The concept of painting is one that has always eluded me, I have tried to make it work without much success over the years. Ask me to paint something and my mind goes blank. I do not paint or draw things! I'm now starting on a journey to tackle this 'demon'
Emerging themes, embracing shadows
I don't know if it's just the time of year but I've been spending time considering the direction of my practice and how my concerns have both evolved and clarified into some conceptual ideas that will impact on my ways of working.
Embracing a sense of slowness
Despite what you may have been told, being an artist can be full of tension, it’s not always fun, it’s not always messy and sometimes some structure is needed. It is these challenges that keep things interesting and push me to create, to experiment and to move forward.