In the landscape
My lightboxes have become a way for me to enter the landscape, bringing something rectilinear and manmade into natural spaces and interrupting the flow of movement through the trees, the fields and the undergrowth.
This act, a contemplation into the realm of meaning, considers how we move through space.
This is rooted in historical place markings created by mankind for millennia to mark a place in time, to memorialise people, or to give direction to others. I find these historical objects including cairns, monuments and pagan formations, to be intriguing in how they can be read an understood in the present.
By taking my lightboxes outside, I hope to explore ideas of meaning with a focus on sanctuary and moments of pause, inviting people to question their surroundings and spend time being. In this way I am using ideas of nature and the benefits for people who are able to regularly spend time in green spaces, creating a way point for moments of peace and intrigue.
Standing tall, interrupting flow
What lies ahead
The gatekeeper
Protected by the branches above
Floating amongst the trees
What next?
This investigation is in its early stages, using a single lightbox to experiment with space. The next step is to use multiple lightboxes creating a journey through a space.
I plan on collaborating with several artists using sound and projection to add new and unexpected layers to the audience experience.